Silence is Sexy


It’s not the red of the dying sun
The morning sheets surprising stain
It’s not the red of which we bleed


The red of cabernet sauvignon
A world of ruby all in vain


It’s not that red


It’s not as golden as Zeus famous shower
It doesn’t come, not at all, from above
It’s in the open but it doesn’t get stolen
It’s not that gold
It’s not as golden as memory
Or the age of the same name


It’s not that gold


I wish this would be your colour
I wish this would be your colour
I wish this would be your colour
Your colour, I wish


It is as black as malevitch’s square
The cold furnace in which we stare
A high pitch on a future scale
It is a starless winternight’s tale
It suits you well


It is that black


I wish this would be your colour
I wish this would be your colour
I wish this would be your colour
Your colour, I wish

Silence is sexy

Silence is sexy
Silence is sexy
So sexy
So silence
Silence is sexy
Silence is sexy
So sexy
So sexy
Silence is not sexy at all
Die ungesellige Liebe
Die fixe Idee
L’idée fixe
Nur ich & ich & ich & Tinitus
Wenn die Musik endlich aufhört
Ganz von selbst
Silence is sexy
Silence is sexy
So sexy
As sexy as death
Silence is sexy
Silence is sexy
So sexy
So sexy
Just your silence is not sexy at all
Just your silence is not sexy at all
Your silence is not sexy at all!

In circles

All the molecules
every single one
the atoms
their spin
their charge
their charme
in circles


All the molecules
every single one
the atoms
their spin
their charge
their charme
in circles
in beauty

Newtons Gravitätlichkeit

Is Newton’s graviagitation a natural law?
Naturally not, more likely a crime,
because I didn’t ask for it.
Above all his apple pitfall I opposed
but against my will it was installed.
Since then I find flying increasingly heavy.


If the firm picks it up again I’ll be most obliging
if it doesn’t, then I warn you now and here
I can guarantee nothing, I fear.
Even in a gravity feedback control unit the unity can easily break
and that’s just for the leaden and the lame-winged a crime.


There is only one idiot
and through some or other gap
through some or other gaphe constantly slips inside


I can barricade the door
in darkness lie in wait for days or more
somehow he always catches me
somehow he always gets back inside
he acts dead when I try to throw him out
he acts deaf when I shout at him
he resembles me in the mirror somehow
he just refuses to leave me alone


There is only one idiot…


I can state most clearly, I’ll start all over again
am willing to accept all the consequences
enough of this nonsense, I’ll put things straight
a glance straight from his pretty eyes –the same routine and it’s my turn now
he’s seething somewhere down inside
inside me, inside him I don’t know
his presence cannot be prevented
and somehow I know his face


It’s that idiot again!


There is only one idiot…


He constantly makes the same mistake
right down to the fifth place after the point
he makes me old and easily predictable
that he knows me is quite probable


When I try to fall asleep
he never stops his prattle
it strikes me: that’s a voice I know
keeps reminding me of myself somehow


There is only one idiot
and through some or other gap
through some or other crack
through some or other unattended hole
he constantly slips inside


Here comes the great Zampano!


Somehow the hole was his creation
I conceal myself within my niche
and wait without any inhibition
for him at long last to take away the only idiot
and if he won’t go by himself
I’ll just have to come too

Heaven is of honey

Heaven is of Honey
and kisses
How do I know?
How could I forget?


Heaven is in the making
a buildingsite
a possibillity
If there’s a glimpse of it
In the little dance of tongues


As a reminder!


Heaven is all remembered
is an idea
for idiots
possessed by gods
that just waste space
and in case I wake up without a pen
I do not want to forget


Heaven is of Honey
and kisses
Royal Jelly
for the queenbee
in the center
How do I know?
How could I forget?


You see half the moon, its crescent, and one of the planets, maybe Saturn, maybe Jupiter, in the early night sky over Berlin, through the windows of a taxicab, near Potsdamer Platz.


You think: Beauty.


No, this is not beauty, maybe not, maybe, this is the rest of it, maybe not, maybe, the rest of beauty,
maybe not, maybe, what remains of beauty, maybe not, maybe, what is visible, certainly, uncertain.
Your arms would not be able to stretch as far as necessary to form an adequate gesture for beauty
(You know that, don’t you?).
So, beauty remains in the impossibilities of the body.

Die Befindlichkeit des Landes

Across the scarfaced terrain
slowly disappearing
only phantom pain remains
Scarcely audible foul laughter seeps out
from the red Info Box
making some turn quietly in their graves


Nothing but future ruins
material for the next layer


Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
Melancholia, mon cher,
Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
floats over the new city
and over the land


Over the control centres
over the stubble fields of concrete
over the secret net of bunkers
refusing to be wiped out
Marlene go home!
also over the Marlene-Dietrich-Platz


The new temples are already cracked
future ruins
one day grass will also grow over the city
over its final layer


Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
Melancholia, mon cher,
Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
floats over the new city
and over the land


In the lascerated sky
flown to bits by the jets rehearsing
she hangs with widespread wings
sleepless and with frozen gaze
pointed at rubble
behind her the future piling up
slowly she flies higher and higher
at last surveys the entire land
What is the lay of the land?
What is the lay of the land?
What is the lay of the land?
What is the lay of the land?


The place it occured was November grey, steady drizzle rain
come with me
above the birds, the clouds, to the highest point
I have donned the coronet of rays, Corona
in it mirrored my gleaming head
be my passenger
standing in the headwind, in the solar wind
in shimmering gold, in purple swathed
through peril leads our path and images of beasts


Come aboard my sun barque!
come aboard my sun barque!


In the crimson east Aurora opens up her rose portals
the stars take flight
the moon’s sickle paling at its rim
our course climbs steeply as we embark at dawn
reaching giddy heights in the apex of the sky
the path tips abruptly towards its end


Come aboard my sun barque!
come aboard my sun barque!


The darkness banished
with furious flames
consuming blaze
the whole world cracks apart
even in the underworld light seeps in through cracks
filling its rulers with fear and dread


Come aboard my sun barque!
come with me aboard my sun barque!
Come with come with come with come with come with me
Come with come with come with come with come with me
Come with come with come with come with come with me
Come with come with come with come with come with me
Come aboard my sun barque!


If I’m kissed by the muse I want to dance, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m dancing I want to drink, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m drinking I have to sing, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m singing then she’ll kiss me, possibly


I first danced with Mnesmosyne, who, I believe, was a genuine Muse
Inbetween I drank mixed drinks, that were called, I believe, Amnesia
At some point I began with my singing and kept on singing till the cleaners came


If I’m kissed by the muse I want to dance, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m dancing I want to drink, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m drinking I have to sing, not for certain, but possibly
When I’m singing then she’ll kiss me, possibly


Everything that’s of any use


Spring nymphs, Dionysus,
substances, tap dances,
drumsticks, rose shrubs,
new shoes, nice knees,
Hahnemann and globulae


Everything that’s of any use


Each time each year at hogmanay
music for humidifier and celesta
the bottle, the tower, the moon and aspirin
mushrooms that get found
alternating current, moved masses
a freshly made bed, stain killer and vanilla
icing sugar, energy-saving measure
French kissing in a tête-à-tête
everything is reinvented


Everything that’s of any use


Everything that is, that was, was not enough
is reinvented
everything that was, was an excuse for the birds
the whole world de-acidified, filtered
fermented, distilled and as ‘carpe diem’
the universal world spirit, avidly consumed by us
all abuse followed by a morning after
is common use
but as an excuse for the birds
for me and the bacchante
rapture is still a must
icing sugar, energy-saving measure
French kissing in a tête-à-tête


Everything that’s of any use


My hands, my arms, my legs, my body and I
the immutable, indestructible, self, I.
The centre, the nucleus, the entire human cell culture.
Am I, is me in every cell?
Though hardly ‘I’ is the sum of the genetic material,
as if the music were lodged inside the radio’s wiring diagram.
Is there anything redundant, solidified, that can be peeled off, that can
be discarded like ballast, sandbags out of a free balloon?
Layer for layer, epidermis, mesenchyme and dermis, fibres, muscles,
tendons, flesh, capillaries, veins, blood vessels, fatty tissue, nerve tracts, bones,
marrow, skeleton. And where does what remain?
The ‘I’ makes claims as long as a tongue, a fidgeting hand
can claim ‘I’? And if possible, that too is claimed headlessly.
(Like cephalophors, with a single stroke, a head shorter)
What happens in love, outreaching oneself or overstepping, or
the numbness, up to a certain point, that point where still ‘something’ remains.
The hollow nut (that has not developed), anyway: development,
as if something had been enveloped, Ariadne’s thread, unrolled to its fullest length,
needing to be used up. Always along the wall, dead certain,
the way out of the garden, the garden maze.
I wander to while away time as if time might otherwise descend on me, like a scavenging beast.
Let’s just reduce the lot on a slow flame!
We peer into the stream of the perished now being swept down the passage of time,
through the delta towards the mouth, out into the gaping cosmic ocean.
Are there any more coming? Do corpses have something left to say?
Besides: Look! Scandal! We are they who you are still to become! We are there! You are not!
But death stays hated to all of human nature
it tears down hope almost to the ground
The foundations are in the wrong place, this house should have been set in the heavens,
so the gods can die, regularly and in temporally classical proportions.
The golden section through the throat of a venerable celestial body that
then, in short thrusts, ejaculates its divine blood into the seraphic summer morning,
because it is forever summer, until one or the other, me included, can say:
Finally, infinitely, left in peace, but moveable, free to make noise, without guilt!


Above lovers stands no law
Among lovers rules count nothing
Because of lovers there is possibility
And without lovers a search is worth nothing




Above lovers stands no law
Among lovers runs the sweet path
Close to lovers melts the eternal ice
but without lovers failure is programmed
You’ll fail today, fail tomorrow
fail better and better
And some day you’ll not fail


Howanyhowanyhowhowany? Indeed


Today Fortuna is playing chess again with you
speculating that you’ll lose your queen
You go into town and fail to find her
That’s what it looks like, you lose the game
Or possibly? It ends in stalemate
A return match Fortuna will seldom play
With a kiss you foil her strategy




Above lovers stands no law
Among lovers rules count nothing
Behind lovers words have been cleared
But without lovers merely speechless flat land
In spite of bruises and injuries
I’ll give you herewith new surahs,
Exclusively for those for whom nothing stands



Anrufe in Abwesenheit

Above me
Below me
Behind me
In front of me
Next to me
Doesn’t count!


Just as a reminder:
bitter almonds
Pelicanol (school glue)