
by admin

We are sorry to have to cancel the last two concerts before this autumn.

Although we took all precautions and followed them through as strictly as possible, the pandemic reality caught up with us.

First our tour manager Eric got sick and we had to leave him behind in Cologne. Then the day after the London show Alex tested positive, he developed symptoms, he’s still positive, but he’s improving.  We had to cancel the Utrecht show.

Unfortunately, since then several crew members and our sound engineer Boris have started showing symptoms. The tests are positive. Continuing the tour in the face of such an infection dynamic would simply be irresponsible.

We are looking for alternate dates in the fall or winter.

We are proud to have held out for at least 25 concerts.


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Thomas June 29, 2022 - 7:49 pm

Allen gute Besserung und danach tanzt das ZNS

Frank Garbe June 30, 2022 - 10:47 am

Extrem schade. Lebe in Tasmanien und hatte mich unglaublich auf die Kombination EN/ Elbphilharmonie gefreut.

Bart Zwinnen July 3, 2022 - 10:39 am

Get well soon, don’t give up, AB Brussels was a fantastic show! Thanks

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