Webcast Archives from March 22, 2023

by admin

Sorry for the sometime technical glitches, but here are the two webcasts from March 22, 2023.

There’s a thread discussing them in the forum if you’d like to add your two cents.

First session, working on a piece based on the Rampe from the Berlin Konzerthaus concert.

And the second session, where the band tries to get a couple of takes down of the song from session one, and then start something else that goes kind of badly (but in a funny way?)

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Janosch March 24, 2023 - 6:25 pm

Sehr interessanter Verlauf/Fortschritt. Super Felix mit an Bord zu sehen 🙂
Irgendwie hör ich Blixa’s Text in meinem Kopf in Deutsch bzw. Im Berlin Slang, stell ich mir toll vor.

Silke March 29, 2023 - 2:55 pm

Before I go…wundervoller Text und Song…nimmt mich sofort mit.

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